Friday, 14 June 2013


Want to know its like in my shoes? It's bloody painful and confusing. Imagine you've just split up with your partner and its not what you want but it's maybe for the best. Now imagine you're on your dream trip. Travelling and seeing a world you and people around you have only dreamed of. You're really having the time of your life, but the partner you split up with he's always on your mind. You're gonna go back to him. Now imagine you're on top of the world, you never knew life could be so good and you'd see such amazing things. 
Your life's shattered. Your partner that you weren't sure of splitting up with and you were going to go back to is dead. He died without you. While you were on top of the world he was dying. What a regret. There was no point coming home because there was nothing you could do so you drifted from place to place. People said you were strong but that's a load of shit you were just surviving. 
You come home and everyone seems to have moved on its old news whereas you've lost the love of your life and its the worst pain you've ever felt. It's like a knife to the heart everytime you think of him. Everytime you see something that reminds you of him, everytime you want him to take your hand or give you a cuddle only he could give. 
Ha! You'll just move on and adjust. They think it's that easy! I would never want anyone I love to feel this pain I have of losing a partner, just pray and wish you go first. 

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