As I was trying to find my way along the street yesterday using a map I realised something. I can read a map! I can actually use it and find my way about with one. That's a massive achievement for me, I'd normally look at a map feel my head go fuzzy and ask for directions. In general if it wasn't for google maps I'd still be cowering in the corner of my first hostel scared to leave incase I got lost. What an absolute godsend that app is.
Essential items for travelling.
• Deck of cards - long bus journeys, in the middle of nowhere with nothing to do and my favourite of course drinking games. One of my favourite things I've picked up is i can now tell you at least a dozen drinking games with a set of cards that'll get you wasted.
• A smart phone of some kind with 3G so you can access Facebook, email, google maps and the Internet all by using McDonald's free wifi rather than paying $4 for it somewhere.
• As much as I hate to say it, plain and practical clothes. You ain't gonna wear those heels and that dress but you can't bear to throw them out so you carry them around with you like dead weight.
• Tupperware. Strange one that but some hostels don't have adequate crockery and you can eat and cook most things in a microwave with it. Plus you can put a personal note on top so when it's in the fridge it warns off thieves. Mines says. Wozza's lunch touch and die. No ones ever took it ;)
• Something that reminds you of home. I've got a lovely book from a friend full of
Photos and it really helps on those days I'm homesick.
3 weeks to go till I go to Sydney and I really can't wait. I don't know why I'm just not feeling this city, it's just a city. I think it's because it's just tall buildings, offices and shops. There's no culture or history here and it's apparent their trying to make this a new and trendy place to be. I mean they have all the big festivals, the Australian open and the Grand Prix here which is cool but that's it.
Registered with an agency and have my induction tomorrow so hopefully working by the weekend, feel bizarre not working and it's only been a week. Might aswell live the dream properly and go to the beach at the end of the week :)
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